"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
[True]Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.They're in each other all along."-Rumii
Take The Test To See If You Are True Soul Mates/ the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love...
1) Soul Mates/ the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love wake you from a deep sleep. The connection is otherworldly. Are you and the other tapping into your Spiritual Superpower Point for the recognition to take place?
2)Soul Mates/ the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love are not in each other's life to help cover up, or be a mirror to your own unhealthy problems.
Are you introspective enough to transform your own unhealthy psychological problems, and take back your projections?
3) Do you and the other have similar life parallels between you?
4) Soul Mates/ the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love have a telepathic communication with one another, that's why their life story is very similar.
Do you and the other believe the soul is in time and space, but also beyond these dimensions, and are connecting from that place in the here and now?
5) Do you and the other understand that synchronicity, (2 or more unrelated events, not numbers), plays a part in awakening to your exalted bond?
6) Soul Mates/ the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love, experience the true meaning of "Namaste." Do you and the other honor each other with the sight behind your eyes?
If you and the other, honestly answered "Yes" to 5 or more, you are most likely true Soul Mates/the Deepest Most Profound Eternal Love!